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:- - NSS Moto - Not Me.... But You....
A new circular is published in our DHSE Portal. You can see the circular from the  ‘Circular’ tab of this blog or  visit  As per the order by DHSE, a meeting of the SFU units’ programme officers (New & Old units’) will be held on 28 July 2015 at St. Joseph GHSS Changanacherry. You have to report at 11.30 am. Please submit the photos & Reports of NSS activities conducted in your school after 6th June 2015 (Previous year pending programmers) You should hand over DD as mentioned in the circular. Please make your presence at right time with relevant documents (Attendance Book, Project Diary, PhotoCD). For more details contact your cluster convener. 
                                                 Best Wishes.....
                                                                       By Alby Anto, 
                                                                    NSS DC Kottayam.